The Most Popular Movie ‘Homes’
A new study reveals the most Googled homes from popular movies and where they reside, with the iconic McCallister family home in “Home Alone” being the most searched-for movie home. The research conducted by real estate company LA Homes analyzed the monthly worldwide search volume for each of the highest-ranking movies on IMDb and the homes that feature in them to establish which movie residence is the most sought-after.
The Most Popular Movie Homes
1. Home Alone, 70,000
2. Twilight, 12,200
3. Hocus Pocus, 12,000
4. Father of the Bride, 5,600
5. Edward Scissorhands, 5,300
6. The Notebook, 4,400
7. The Goonies, 3,300
8. Nights In Rodanthe, 2,800
9. The Holiday, 2,600
10. Scarface, 2,500