My Ten Albums: JT
Sitting on the back patio, cigar in hand, I have been pressed to the task of picking my favorite Top 10 albums. Some of these you’ll say, “Of course he’d pick that,” and there may be a few surprises as well. But if you put ANY of these on, crank it to 11!!
You know Van Halen was going to kick off my list. The boss said I wasn’t allowed to choose one VH with Dave AND one VH with Sammy, so this has the Best of Both Worlds!!! After all, as long as Eddie is playing, I don’t care who’s singing. (If I could take two, it would be VH 1 & For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.)
As to the rest, Aerosmith takes me back to high school when they were firing on all cylinders. When I was 7, I had KISS posters on my walls and a white plastic KISS guitar. Springsteen. There is nothing like seeing Bruce live and this is the epitome of their shows. Prince??? His guitar work is second to none & he could wail! This is a ROCK record… with all the funk built into it.
These aren’t in any particular order but, Metallica’s Black is the heavy metal album that should be on everyone’s list. I remember being in college, and waiting in line at midnight for Tower Records to open just for this going on sale. In the 80’s, we had “hair bands” that sounded & looked all the same, but when you heard GnR’s “Welcome to the Jungle,” you knew this was going to be different. My Godfather let me listen to his Hot Rocks cd to introduce me to the Rolling Stones. I was a kid then and I still haven’t given it back. This Black Crowes album was a classic rock record the day it came out. The groove of the ‘Stones, the swagger of Led Zepp. Finally, Bon Jovi got deep with Keep the Faith. I want “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” to play at my funeral. I still love this cd & it never leaves my SUV.