Classic Rock?… or still just dookie?
February 1st marks twenty-five years since Green Day’s breakthrough album, Dookie. I’m trying to wrap my brain around the fact that it just might now qualify as “classic rock”. As any PD for a classic rock music format must consider, what do “my listeners” think? There’s the gut reaction that some have decrying anything not originally offered on vinyl. CDs arrived in the early 80’s so “vinyl” isn’t the answer. While many of the early 90’s bands have earned some airplay these last few years, there is something distinctly different about allowing Green Day (and similar others) into the galaxy that is deemed “Classic Rock”.
Metal bands have long since found a place even as that form initially struggled finding radio stations willing to play it. Some argue against “alt-music” in the genre but early 80’s alt-bands like The Talking Heads, The Clash, REM, B-52s and Cure (naming just a few) have all found their way onto CR stations. So is it perhaps just about age? Can one abide by the simple idea that if it just rocks and it’s old (enough), maybe it belongs?
Let’s continue this conversation… comment here, on FB or call-in.
Just what is “Classic Rock” to you?